Channel: JWhisp
Category: Gaming
Tags: minecraftplaycliffs05partminecraft villager breederupdateletsepisodeenderdragonarmourhowandblockendtutorialvillagefiveguidefightnewnethervillagercavesonevillager breedercaves and cliffscoreone block skyblock villagearmorjwhispminecraft skyblock lets playskyblockminecraft best armortominecraft one block skyblockweaponsgear
Description: Hey guys JWhisp here and welcome to episode 5 of One Block Skyblock. This is a map that starts with one block that infinitely regenerates! In this episode we continue through the phases and we get geared up to take on the ender dragon in the next episode! | Find me outside of YouTube | ⚫Twitter: ⚫Twitch: ⚫Instagram: ⚫Discord: #Minecraft #MinecraftSkyblock #Letsplay